Researchers reverse the flow of time on IBM's quantum computer

Researchers reverse the flow of time on IBM's quantum computer
Quantum simulation gives a sneak peek into the possibilities of time reversal
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Uncovering the origin of the “arrow of time” remains a fundamental scientific challenge. Within the framework of statistical physics, this problem was inextricably associated with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which declares that entropy growth proceeds from the system’s entanglement with the environment. This poses a question of whether it is possible to develop protocols for circumventing the irreversibility of time and if so to practically implement these protocols. Here we show that, while in nature the complex conjugation needed for time reversal may appear exponentially improbable, one can design a quantum algorithm that includes complex conjugation and thus reverses a given quantum state. Using this algorithm on an IBM quantum computer enables us to experimentally demonstrate a backward time dynamics for an electron scattered on a two-level impurity.

A fundamental question of the origin of irreversibility of time emerged already in classical statistical physics and has been remaining ever since a subject of an continuous attention Intense researches revealed several aspects of this problem. One of them is a statistical mechanics view discussing the irreversibility problem in the context of the fluctuation theorem. In particular, it was quantitatively described and shown experimentally that in a finite temporal interval the time reversed dynamics can emerge. The quantum systems were discussed in18 where the positive entropy production rate was experimentally demonstrated on a single spin-1/2 particle, while in the negative entropy production rate in the presence of a Maxwell’s Demon was observed for spin-1/2 quantum system. Moreover, the full quantum treatment have shown theoretically and later experimentally that the presence of initial mutual correlations between subparts of a quantum system may lead to a local violation of thermodynamical laws and hence to the thermodynamic arrow of time reversal. Even in a quantum system initially not correlated with an environment, the local violation of the Second Law can occur, as it was demonstrated, with the mathematical rigor, in the framework of the quantum channel theory. Most of the above works were based in a good part on thermodynamic considerations. From the slightly different perspective this question was discussed in the seminal work by Zurek, who looked at the irreversibility issue from the angle of the loss of predictability with the time. A solely quantum mechanical aspect of the problem was stressed by Landau and von Neumann who related irreversiblity to the process of a macroscopic measurement. In the arrow of time dilemma was addressed from the point of view system-observer considerations, but later this approach was criticized in. Here, in the spirit of quantum mechanics, we elaborate on the implications of the Wigner’s result that time reversal operation is anti-unitary because it requires complex conjugation. We demonstrate that this emerging anti-unitarity predicates that the universal time reversal operation does not spontaneously appear in nature. To make the time reversal possible, one would need a supersystem manipulating the quantum system in question. In most of the cases, such a supersystem cannot materialize spontaneously. As an illustration, we use the simplest systems of a single- or two particles subject to electromagnetic fluctuations. We show that even the evolution of these single- or two-particle states in a free space generates the complexity that renders spontaneous time reversal either highly improbable or actually impossible. We expect that if irreversibility emerges even in the systems that simple, than, even, more it should appear in the more complex systems. In what follows, we quantify the complexity of the preparation of the time-reversed quantum state and the probability of its spontaneous emergence. We show that the time-reversal complexity of the developed quantum state scales linearly with the dimension of the Hilbert space swept by the system in the course its forward time evolution, but that one can devise an administering super system artificially. This is implemented experimentally by modeling a real system, the electron scattered on the two-level systems, on the IBM quantum computer. In this respect we utilize the conjectures by Lloyd.


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